Brewster Rundlett ’38 died on July 25, 2003, in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina.
Born on September 24, 1916, in Portland, he prepared for college at Portland High School and became a member of Theta Delta Chi Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation in 1938, he did graduate work at Brown University for a year and at Yale University for a year and then became a field representative in Concord, NH, with The Coca-Cola Company, where he was employed for the rest of his career. He was a staff assistant in Atlanta, GA, from 1942 to 1946, and then was a staff assistant in Chicago, IL, for another two years before returning to Atlanta as assistant manager of training in 1948. In 1960, he joined the Minute Maid Division of Coca-Cola in Orlando, FL, and two years later was promoted to vice president, a position that he continued to hold in Atlanta from 1965 until his retirement in 1972 because of disability of his right shoulder, resulting from an old injury. He was a lay preacher and a lay reader of the Episcopal Church from 1954 until his death. He was a member of the American Management Association and conducted salesmanship and sales training courses in New York City, Atlanta, and Saranac Lake, NY. He first became a lay reader in 1954 at St. Anne’s Church in Atlanta and continued to be active on the vestry of Emmanuel Parish while in Orlando. He was active on numerous committees at St. Dunstan’s Church in Atlanta and served on the board of St. Andrew’s-by-the-Lake at Lake Toxaway in NC. At The Church of the Good Shepherd in Cashiers, NC, he was a lector, a lay reader, and an acolyte. He was married in 1941 to Prudence Ayers, who died in 1999, and is survived by two sons, the Reverend Bradford A. Rundlett of Herndon, VA, and Geoffrey Rundlett of Asheville, NC; a daughter, Penelope Rundlett of Pisgah Forest; and six grandchildren.