Campbell B. Niven ’52 died on April 28, 2008, in Brunswick, Maine.
Born on November 8, 1929, in Boston, Mass., he grew up in Brunswick on Longfellow Avenue. He prepared for college at Brunswick schools and at Hebron Academy. At Bowdoin, he became a member of Zeta Psi Fraternity. From 1952 to 1954, he worked for the E.I. Dupont Co. in nylon and Dacron production management. In 1954, he was drafted into the Army. He served in the Public Information Division Headquarters for the U.S. Army in Heidelberg, Germany. After returning to Maine in 1956, he became advertising manager for the Brunswick Record and served in that capacity until 1961, when he became publisher. He was also publisher for the Bath Daily Times from 1960 to 1967, and then publisher for The Times Record from 1967 until his retirement in 1997. He served in several capacities for many civic and professional activities. He served as chairman of Brunswick Federal Savings, director of Bethel Bancorp, director and chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee, and director of PAGE. He also was involved with Mid Coast Health Services, the Brunswick Industrial Committee, and The Westerly Sun in Rhode Island, and was a member of the Coastal Cancer Treatment Center Committee. Other organizations for which he served as president are the Regional Memorial Hospital, the New England Newspaper Association, the New England Press Association, the Brunswick Rotary Club, the Brunswick Chamber of Commerce, and the Brunswick Golf Club. He served as chairman of the Brunswick Planning Board, as well as director and member of several other newspaper and advertising associations. He also served on the Brunswick Downtown Revitalization Committee and the Bowdoin Presidential Search Committee. He was predeceased by a brother, Paul Kendall Niven, Jr. ’46. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth (Manning) Niven, whom he married in 1964; two sons, Andrew Campbell Niven of Amesbury, Mass. and Douglas Manning Niven of Brunswick; a daughter, Alison Elizabeth Nynka of Ormond Beach, Fla.; and two grandchildren.