Charles Allen Cohen ’47 died on October 13, 2007, in Portland, Maine.
Born on October 16, 1926, in Portland, he prepared for college at Portland High School and in the middle of his senior year there entered Bowdoin as a member of the Class of 1947. He was a member of Alpha Rho Upsilon Fraternity. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1944 to 1946 and studied in the Navy’s V-12 officer candidate program at Bates, Holy Cross, and Dartmouth. Following his graduation from Bowdoin in 1947, he entered the automobile tire and fuel business, serving for many years as president of Service Oil Company before retiring in 1995. He was active in many business, civic, and fund- raising organizations, as president of the Better Home Heat Council of Southern Maine, as a member of the boards of the Maine Oil Dealers Association, the Morrison Development Center (originally known as the Cerebral Palsy Center), and The Cedars in Portland. He was a director of the Jewish Federation of Portland, Shaarey Tphiloh Synagogue, and the Jewish Community Center, and was a volunteer with Maine Handicapped Skiing for 18 years. He was 1947’s Class Agent in the Alumni Fund for 14 years. In 1955, he was married to Marvis Polakewich, who died in 1978, and was later married to Catherine Blanchard, who survives him, as do two daughters, Martha Ollove of Scarborough and Lorri Rich of Candia, N.H.; and three grandchildren.