Charles Robert Coughlan ’66 died on July 21, 2007, in a drowning accident at Wells Beach, Maine.
Born on August 9, 1944, in Cambridge, Mass., he prepared for college at Belmont (Mass.) High School and became a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation in 1966, he received a master of business administration degree from the University of New Hampshire and then was a staff trainee with Western Electric for a year before becoming a section chief in stock maintenance in 1969. He also served as a section chief in warehousing in Watertown, Mass., for a year and then was a department chiefinsalesandforecastingwithWestern Electric Company in New York City until 1972, when he became a department chief in production in Oklahoma City, Okla. After a year as a department chief in production control, he joined AT&T in Morristown, N.J., as a marketing supervisor. Later he was associated with the EMI consulting firm of Boston, Mass. He retired at the age of 53 and moved to Wells Beach, Maine. Surviving are his wife, Joyce Geary Coughlan, whom he married in 1966, two sons, Davie Coughlan of Lancaster, Penn., and Tyler Coughlan of Newport Beach, Calif.; two granddaughters; and his sister, Barbara Urbie of Mexico City, Mexico.