David Lawrence Wies ’55 died on March 2, 2004, in Cupertino, California.
Born on February 4, 1934, in Yonkers, NY, he prepared for college at Yonkers High School and became a member of Alpha Rho Upsilon Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation in 1955, he did graduate work at Columbia University for a year, receiving a master of arts degree in personnel psychology in 1956. In the fall of 1956, he graduated from the U.S. Army’s Transportation School at Fort Eustis, VA, and he remained in the Army Reserve for some years, attaining the rank of captain. From 1958 to 1961, he was the personnel manager with Whitaker Corporation in North Hollywood, CA, for three years. He was manager of compensation with Holmes and Narver in Las Vegas, NV, from 1963 to 1966, when he became manager of compensation with International Telephone & Telegraph’s Instruments Division in Glendale, CA. He held several other personnel positions with ITT divisions – Controls and Instruments and Grinnell in San Fernando, CA, and Grinnell in Providence, RI – before moving back to California in 1979 to become vice president of personnel with Qume Corporation, another subsidiary of ITT. He was also vice president of human resources with Plus Development Corporation in Milpitas, CA. In his retirement, he was active as a spokesman for child advocates and was the court-appointed advocate for two teenagers. Surviving are his wife, Joyce Benveniste Wies, whom he married in 1958, and two sons, Edward Wies and Gerald Wies.