Donald Guinn Methven ’50 died on February 12, 2007, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Born on March 10, 1926, in Honolulu, Hawaii, he prepared for college at the Lenox School in Massachusetts and served in the U.S.Army during World War II from 1944 to 1946. Then he entered the College and became a member of Sigma Nu Fraternity. During the Korean conflict, he served in the U.S. Army for 15 months and returned to Bowdoin to graduate in 1953.After a year with the Arthur Pew Construction Company in Georgia, he joined the Coca-Cola Company as an engineer with the traveling laboratories in New England and later with Coca-Cola in Georgia. He retired in 1986. Surviving are his second wife,Anne Kauffman Methven, whom he married in 1962; many children, stepchildren, and grandchildren; and a brother.