Donald L. Webster ’45 died on August 12, 2008, in Houston, Texas.
He was born on July 19, 1923, in Scranton and prepared for college at Wethersfield (Conn.) High School. He enrolled at Bowdoin in 1941 and joined Kappa Sigma fraternity, but left college in 1943 to join the Army, achieving the rank of corporal and earning a Certificate of Honor in 1945. He returned to Bowdoin following his discharge from the service in 1946 and graduated in 1947, but remained a member of the Class of 1945. From 1947 to 1949 he taught English at Suffield Academy and returned to Bowdoin in the summer of 1948 as a special student to take more English courses. In 1949, he was hired as teacher of Latin and algebra at Cape Elizabeth High School. He worked for 30 years at the Kincaid School in Houston, as a junior high school teacher of Latin and English for the first 23 years, then for seven years as a high school librarian. He retired in 1989, but continued to take non- credit courses at Rice University.