Euan Gamewell Davis ’37 died on December 14, 2007, in Fort Myers, Florida.
Born on August 17, 1915, in Tiensin, China, where his parents were missionaries, he prepared for college at Newton High School in Massachusetts and became a member of Zeta Psi Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation cum laude, he joined the City Bank of New York, working in Kobe, Japan, and Shanghai, China, between 1937 and 1941. During World War II, he attended the U.S. Navy Japanese Language School and then served as a translator and as the health officer for the island of Tinian in the Marshall Islands. Following the war, he served in the Central Intelligence Agency from 1947 until his retirement as director of the National Indications Center in 1974. He received a CIA award for Career Achievement and was the author of several articles in the journal Studies in Intelligence. In Herndon,Va., he was a member of the Rotary Club and was involved in the Herndon Methodist Church. In Claremont,Va., he was a deacon in the local Episcopal Church. He was one of the founders of the Surry County mobile library and was instrumental in bringing the first medical clinic to the county. He served as a volunteer for a number of community organizations in the Falmouth (Maine) area. He was married in 1941 to Harriet Gilbert, who died in 1986. He married Ruth Bailey Davis in 1988, and she died in 1996. He is survived by his wife, Nancy Bennett Davis; her five children and 15 grandchildren; four daughters, Harriet Ann Davis of Weedsport, N.Y., Catherine Gamewell Davis Bridwell of Brookside, N.J., Leslie Lowry Davis Yamada of Seattle, Wash., and Deborah Gilbert Davis Harris of Geneva, N.Y.; eight grandchildren, including Christopher C. Bridwell ’96 of San Francisco, Calif., Sanae Yamada ’97 of Boulder, Colo., and Emi Camilla Yamada ’03 of Ely, Minn.; and a great-grandson.