Fergus Upham ’38 died on January 6, 2006, in Auburn, Maine.
Born on March 17, 1917, in Newton, MA, he prepared for college at Newton High School in Newtonville, MA, and the Loomis School in Windsor, CT, and became a member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation in 1938, he joined the Auburn Savings and Loan Association, where he was employed until his retirement in 1981. He was managing officer beginning in 1942 and became a director in 1946. He was president of the Maine Savings and Loan League in 1952 and was president of the New England Conference of Savings and Loans in 1972. He was also a director of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston from 1956 to 1962 and was the author of various papers circulated in regional and national trade publications. He was a corporator of the Auburn Public Library and the Central Maine General Hospital for many years, as well as chairman of the Auburn Board of Zoning Appeals and the Central Maine General Hospital. He was also chairman of the Auburn Board of Appeals from 1949 to 1956 and chairman of the Auburn Planning Board from 1957 to 1971. He was commodore of the Taylor Pond Yacht Club and treasurer and director of the Auburn Ski Association from 1954 to 1967. During World War II, he was the regimental intelligence officer of the Maine State Guard. He was a member of the High Street Congregational Church in Auburn. Surviving are his wife, Edwina Perkins Upham, whom he married in 1939; a daughter, Janice Upham of Auburn; two sons, Thomas F. Upham of Wilton and James P. Upham of Bath; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.