Frances Sterns Perry ’50 died on June 28, 2006, in Brunswick, Maine.
Born on July 28, 1922, in Bath, he prepared for college at Morse High School. During World War II he served in the U.S. Navy from 1942 to 1946, attaining the rank of lieutenant junior grade as a fighter pilot. After attending Portland Junior College for a year, he transferred to Bowdoin, from which he graduated in 1950. In 1957 he received a masters of education degree from the University of Maine at Orono, and he also studied at Tufts University in Massachusetts, Middlebury College in Vermont, and at Duke University in North Carolina. He taught mathematics at Freeport High School from 1950 to 1953 and then was principal there until 1956. After a year as head of the mathematics department at Miss Hall’s School in Pittsfield, MA, and a year as head of the science department at the Dana Hall School in Wellesley, MA, he was for three years headmasteratPeachamAcademyinVermont. He also taught mathematics and French at Bigelow Junior High School in Newton, MA, from 1961 to 1963. In 1963 he joined the faculty at Deering High School in Portland, where he taught mathematics, French, and physics until his retirement in 1989. He was also an English and mathematics teacher at the Portland Adult Evening High School and a mathematics and French instructor at the University of Southern Maine. His avocation was instrumental music, and he played with the Generation Gap, the 60 Plus Band, and various other groups. He was a life member of the National Education Association and the Cumberland County Retired Teachers Association and a member of the Masons in Freeport for more than fifty years. Surviving are his wife, Margaret Powers Perry, whom he married in 1948; two sons,William W. Perry of Topsham and Mark E. Perry of Falmouth; a daughter, Katherine E. Perry of Brunswick; and two grandchildren.