Francis Waterhouse Bilodeau ’38 died on June 16, 2004, in New York, New York.
Born on January 25, 1915, in Augusta, he prepared for college at Cony High School there and at Westbrook High School and became a member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation in 1938, he worked in the Education Department at the Newark Museum in New Jersey and did graduate work at Columbia University and Yale University before serving in the U.S. Army combat engineers from 1941 to 1946 during World War II, attaining the rank of staff sergeant. From 1945 to 1947, he was the director of the Army’s Fine Arts Collecting Centers in Marburg and Wiesbaden in Germany and then did more graduate work for a year at Yale, from which he received a master of arts degree in 1950. Successively through the years, he was an assistant with American collections at the Newark Museum, supervisor of education with the New York Historical Society, an instructor in art history at Hunter College in New York City, assistant director and supervisor of education at the Herron Art Museum in Indianapolis, IN, art instructor at Butler University in Indianapolis, director of the Swope Art Gallery in Terra Haute, IN, art instructor at the T.W. Norton Gallery in Shreveport, LA, and director of the Gibbes Art Gallery in Charleston, SC. Beginning in 1971, he did freelance and photo research work for numerous book publishing firms in New York City. He was the publisher and author of many art publications and was involved in the establishment of two art schools. He was also involved in the organizations of twelve concert-in-film series and traveled to many countries, including four visits to archaeological sites. Surviving are several nieces and nephews.