George R. Dunn ’53 died on March 8, 2009, in Auburn, Maine.
He was born in Ithaca, N.Y., on April 21, 1924, and prepared for college at Bayside (N.Y.) High School, McBurney Prep School and South Side High School. He attended Cornell University, Portland Junior College, and the University of New Hampshire before transferring to Bowdoin as a junior. He served in the Army for six years, including service during World War II. He had a varied career that included stints as supervisor of reservations for Eastern Airlines; executive secretary for the Chambers of Commerce in Tomah, Wisc., Northampton, Mass., and Rockland, Maine.; executive director of the Lewiston-Auburn Occupational Training Center; treasurer of Casco Bay Lines; and Spanish and public speaking teacher at North Yarmouth Academy. He held the teaching position for just one year, but the students dedicated the yearbook to him because “his dedication to his students far exceeds that which is expected of a teacher.” In 1974, he and his wife opened the Beltone Hearing Aid Center of Maine, and they operated the business until their retirement in 1998, when they handed the business over to their daughter, Sallie. He volunteered his time for several organizations, including his church and AA. He was very active in the Boy Scouts, earning the rank of Eagle Scout as a youth and then working as an executive for the Boy Scouts of America for three years. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Charlene R. Perham Dunn; a son, Steven L. Dunn; a brother, John Dunn; eight grandchildren, and a great- grandson. He was predeceased by a sister, Ruth Dunn; a brother, Lawrence Dunn; and a daughter, Sallie A. Chisholm, who died three weeks before he did, on February 16, 2009.