Harry Anson Williams ’58 died on August 18, 2005, in Saugus, Massachusetts.
Born on May 2, 1930, in Haverhill, MA, he prepared for college at Melrose (MA) High School and, from 1948 to 1950, attended Boston University Evening College while working in the Boston area. After serving in the U.S. Navy from 1950 to 1954 during the Korean conflict, he entered Bowdoin as a member of the sophomore class in 1955 and became a member of Kappa Sigma Fraternity. Following his graduation in 1958 he was a salesman with the Upjohn Company of Kalamazoo, MI, and a warehouse supervisor with the wholesale drugs firm Gilman Brothers, Inc., in Boston. He was also a manufacturers’ agent in the New England area for Boehringer Mannheim Corporation and the New England supervisor for E.M. Merck Laboratories of Mannheim, Germany. For many years, he was disabled because of cardio-vascular heart disease. He was married in 1958 to Ella Mae Kerce, who predeceased him, and is survived by a daughter, Cynthia A. Gill of Reading, MA; two sons, Mark A. Williams of Haverhill, MA, and David W. Williams of Melrose, MA; and five grandchildren.