Joseph Edward Bradley, Jr. ’49 died on January 2, 2005, in Aspen, Colorado.
Born on December 3, 1926, in Boston, he prepared for college at Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire and became a member of Delta Upsilon Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation in 1949, he became a technical sales trainer with the Watson Park Company in Boston. By 1961, he was living in Wolfeboro, NH, and was the owner of Bradley Hardware and Marine Company. In 1969, he was honored as a National Patrolman by the National Ski Patrol System as a leader of ski patrol activities in northeastern New Hampshire. For some years, he was the northeast section chief of the New Hampshire Region of the National Ski Patrol, beginning in 1967. He was also chair of first aid work for the Wolfeboro chapter of the American Red Cross, was a member of the Wolfeboro Rescue Squad, and was a lay instructor in cardio- pulmonary resuscitation for the New Hampshire Heart Association. In 1970, he moved to Aspen.