Kendall Warner ’49 died on September 29, 2006, in Orono, Maine.
Born on October 2, 1927, in Westfield, MA, he prepared for college at Freeport High School and attended Bowdoin in 1945-46, becoming a member of Theta Delta Chi Fraternity.After serving in the U.S. Army in 1947-48 he entered the University of Maine at Orono, from which he graduated in 1950 with a bachelor of science degree in wildlife management. In 1952 he received a master of science degree in fishery science from Cornell University and became a fisheries research biologist with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. In 1972-73 he was president of the New England Division of the American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists. He co-authored three books on landlocked salmon and was the principal author or co-author of 27 scientific papers published in professional journals and was the recipient of the American Fisheries Society Professional Award of Merit and the recipient of the Sunkhaze Chapter of Trout Unlimited Silver Trout Award and Biologist of the Year Award. He also received the Thomas S. Pinkham Award of the Atlantic Salmon Restoration for Northern Maine. He held several positions as a member of the Church of Universal Fellowship in Orono, among them trustee and deacon. His primary research interest was Maine’s landlocked salmon, and he was regarded as one of the foremost experts on landlocked salmon biology and management. Surviving are his wife, Sandra Noyes Warner, whom he married in 1970; two daughters, Kendra W. Raymond of Hermon and Leanne W. Parks of Orrington; a sister, Ruth W. Gruninger of South Freeport; and five grandchildren.