Kenneth Harvey Bonenfant ’42 died on August 10, 2010, in Presque Isle, Maine.
He was born on February 21, 1921, in Calumet, Mich., and graduated from Presque Isle High School. He attended Bowdoin from 1938 to 1940, a member of Sigma Nu fraternity, and went on to graduate with honors from Harvard University School of Dental Medicine in 1944. He served to lieutenant in the Naval Reserves Dental Corps aboard the U.S.S. LaSalle in the Pacific theater in World War II. Following his discharge, he began practicing dentistry in Presque Isle, a career he maintained for the next 40 years. He was a member of the Congregational Church, UCC, serving on the board of deacons, as church school teacher, and as a member of the Doctor of Ministry team. He served on the original board of directors for the organization of Presque Isle Country Club, as chairman of Presque Isle Housing Authority, on the board of directors for the Red Cross and Johnson Cemetery, and as director of the Rotary Club. He enjoyed golf and cross-country skiing. He is survived by Marilynn Parkhurst Bonenfant, his wife of nearly 67 years; a daughter, Pamela Raymond; a son, Edwin Bonenfant; four grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.