Paul Hamilton Hermann ’40 died on August 26, 2004, in Rutland, Vermont.
Born on December 19, 1917, in Brookline, MA, he prepared for college at Brookline High School and became a member of Theta Delta Chi Fraternity at Bowdoin, which he attended from 1936 to 1940. In 1940, he joined the United States Navy, in which he served during World War II until October of 1945, attaining the rank of lieutenant commander. After the war, he returned to Bowdoin, and, following his graduation in 1946, did graduate work at the University of Maine at Orono, where he earned a master of arts degree in public management. In 1947, he became the first town manager of Bethel, VT. He was also the first town manager of Bennington, VT, from 1950 to 1955, when he became the first city manager of Barre, VT. He was the manager in Barrington, RI, Old Bridge, NJ, Asbury Park, NJ, and Gardiner and Gray in Maine. In 1979, he returned to Vermont as manager again in Barre, and he last managed both the Town and the Village of Poultney, VT, retiring in 1994, when he was honored by the International City/County Management Association. He served as president of the Vermont Town Managers Association and the Economic Development Council of Maine. He was a member of St. Raphael’s Church in Poultney and a member of the Knights of Columbus and Rotary International. In Bowdoin affairs, he was for many years active in the Admissions Office’s BASIC program. Surviving are his wife, Joyce Emery Hermann, whom he married in 1956; a daughter, Cynthia Hermann of Poultney, VT; a brother, Philip Hermann of Fort Myers, FL; and a sister, Frances Hermann, also of Fort Myers.