Paul Welsh ’37 died on August 29, 2004, in Durham, North Carolina.
Born on September 11, 1911, in Germantown, PA, he prepared for college at Germantown High School and Revere (MA) High School and worked for five years before entering Bowdoin in September of 1933. Following his graduation in 1937 cum laude and as a member of Phi Beta Kappa, he did graduate work at Cornell University in New York and received his doctor of philosophy degree in 1947. He also taught English at Cornell from 1941 until 1947, when he joined the faculty at Duke University, where he taught philosophy and was chair of the philosophy department from 1968 to 1975. In 1955-56, he was a visiting professor at the State University of Iowa, where he taught aesthetics and contemporary philosophy. He was the co-author of Introduction to Logic and the editor of Essays in Honor of Charles A. Baylis. He was married in 1942 to Ethel Butcher Van Order, who died in 1984. He is survived by his second wife, Kathryn Welsh; a stepson, John Van Order; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.