Roy Alexander Robinson ’27 died on May 28, 2004, in Westbrook, Maine.
Born on January 6, 1905, in Westbrook, he prepared for college at Westbrook High School and attended Colby College for a year before transferring to Bowdoin in September of 1923. Following his graduation in 1927, he taught mathematics and sciences in Maine at Newport High School for two years, at Biddeford High School for five years, and at Dixfield High School for six years. After a year as a principal in Huntington, Massachusetts, he joined the faculty at Westbrook High School in 1943 and was a teacher and assistant principal. He became principal in 1954, a position that he held until his retirement in 1967.
He received a master of arts degree in the field of secondary administration from Teachers College at Columbia University in New York City in 1943. He served as president of the Westbrook Teachers Association and the Maine Principals Association, was a member of the National Education Association, the National Association for Secondary Principals, and the New England Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.
In 1965 he donated one of his kidneys to his son, Richard E. Robinson ’46, who lived until 1982. Roy Robinson was the co-founder and first treasurer of the Kidney Foundation of Maine, serving from 1969 until 1974. He was a member and former treasurer of the Westbrook Warren Congregational Church and a 32nd degree member of the Masons and the Kora Temple Shrine. While a student at Bowdoin in September of 1924, he was married to Anne L. Libby, who died in 1997.
Surviving are a daughter-in-law, Barbara Robinson of Waltham, MA; and three grandchildren.