William Dale Ramsey, Jr. ’58 died on June 3, 2003, in Ponte Vedra, Florida.
Born on April 14, 1936, in Indianapolis, IN, he prepared for college at Cape Elizabeth High School in Maine and became a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation in 1958, he served in the U.S. Army for a year and remained in the Army Reserve until 1967, attaining the rank of captain. In 1959, he joined the Shell Oil Company, where he held a number of positions in New York, Florida, Minnesota, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, Maryland, Texas, and other states before retiring in 1997 and moving to Ponte Vedra Beach. He was a member of Christ Episcopal Church and the Ponte Vedra Inn and Club for many years. He held two patents on robotics and through the years was a frequent speaker on radio and television on the subject of energy. Surviving are his wife, Mary Ihnet Ramsey of San Francisco, CA; Kimberly Ramsey of Boston, MA, and Jennifer Harting of Chapel Hill, NC; a brother, James Ramsey of Indianapolis, IN; a sister, Jane Grant of Portland, OR; and three grandsons.