Willis Henry Durst, Jr. ’56 died on May 21, 2007, in Los Angeles, California.
Born on December 25, 1934, in Hollywood, Calif., he prepared for college at the Flintridge Preparatory School in Pasadena, Calif., and became a member of Theta Delta Chi Fraternity at Bowdoin. Following his graduation in 1956, he served in the U.S. Army for two years, attaining the rank of first lieutenant. In November of 1958, he joined Wagenseller and Durst, Inc., in Los Angeles, Calif., where he was a vice president and director and where he remained employed as a stockbroker until his retirement. He was married in 1971 to Janet Prentiss O’Mara (Penne), who survives him, as does a sister, Elizabeth Durst Bateman.