Anna E. Courson died on December 28, 2011, in Brunswick, Maine.
She was born in Soldier Pond on July 9, 1914, the thirteenth of 15 children. She left school after the fifth grade and spent much of her early life caring for nieces and nephews. She worked at Saco-Lowell in Biddeford and later at the Harding Plant in Brunswick. She married Frank M. Courson, Jr. in 1945. After working at Verney Mills for 10 years, she became a custodian at Bowdoin, retiring after 22 years. She was named an honorary member of the Bowdoin Alumni Association. She loved watching football, especially the Patriots, Giants, Green Bay, and Notre Dame. She was fond of traditional French-canadian music and loved the songs of Daniel O’Donnell. She is survived by two sons, William R. Perreault and Wayne J. Courson; five grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by her husband, Frank M. Courson Jr., and 14 brothers and sisters.