Caroline Kennedy ’82

Caroline Kennedy ’82 died on October 1, 2022, in Newtown, Pennsylvania.

(The following was provided by The Advocate on October 17, 2022)

Caroline Kennedy ’82

Caroline Kennedy ’82

Caroline Kennedy succumbed to an aggressive form of ALS which yielded its first symptoms in July 2021. She was grateful to friends and family that helped her along the way. She is survived by her two sons, Bentley Tarbell Kennedy-Stone and George Paca Kennedy-Stone. Caroline and her two siblings, Ailsa and Tony, were raised in Rose Valley, Pennsylvania, in the home of her grandmother, who having already raised her own three children and would raise another set of three more grandchildren a decade later. Caroline loved the history, the architecture, and the theatre of the town settled in 1682 by Quakers. She loved growing up on Rabbit Run, off of Possum Hollow–it all seemed magical walking home from school in time for tea. Caroline was proud to have attended The Baldwin School and later Bowdoin College, where she learned how education and the quest for knowledge broadened horizons. She became a museum professional, starting at the Yale Center for British Art, and later working for the Louisiana Association of Museums in many roles, including as Director of the West Baton Rouge Parish Museum, as a statewide consultant for new and emerging museums, and as state representative to the Southeastern Museums Conference, coming to be recognized by Governor Kathleen Blanco as the Museum Employee of the Year as well as to be honored as Rotarian of the Year. Her open and unassuming spirit made her just as comfortable conversing with then-President Reagan in her teenage tenure as assistant to Bette Davis as she was interviewing sugar farmers in West Baton Rouge parish. Grass did not grow under her feet – she loved working hard at “making things better,” and remained always steadfast in her drive to do the right thing in the right way at all times.

1 Comment Caroline Kennedy ’82

  1. Tracy G Duncan

    Caroline was my Freshman year roommate. I will never forget our first foray together to the Bowdoin Museum for a Japanese exhibition. From that day on, we would bow when greeting each other, as a form of respect and a reminder of that piece of our early Bowdoin life.


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