Edward B. Blackman ’55 died on April 20, 2017, in West Yarmouth, Massachusetts.
(The following was published The Barnstable Register from April 22 to May 5, 2016:)
Rev. Edward B. Blackman, 81, of West Yarmouth, MA passed away peacefully on April 20, 2016. He was surrounded by his wife Sandra R. Blackman and his close friends. There was a sense of peace and serenity that surrounded Ed. He left people better than they were when they met him. Comfortable to be around, spending time with him was like coming home to be with one of your favorite people. Ed was a very social and friendly man with a great sense of humor. He celebrated life through his enjoyment of animals, photography, reading, cooking, music and travel especially to Mexico. His lifelong driving force was achieving equal justice and struggling against discrimination where ever it surfaced. He was a graduate of Union Theological Seminary in New York City. Ed was an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ. He pastored Eliot Congregational Church of Roxbury and was the Interim Pastor at the West Dennis Community Church from 2011-2013. Ed was always able to give wisdom and advice to friends who were struggling with various life problems, even as he fought against memory loss. Eds memory will be cherished by Sandra, his loving wife of 44 years; his daughter Rachel C. Blackman of Rhode Island; his Godchildren Cienna and Melanece Wesley of Florida; niece Nancy Fossett of Missouri; nephew Bruce Blackman of Arizona; his cousins Caroline Garrett of California, Beth Morrison of Connecticut, Rob Morrison, Thom Reeves of Florida and Nancy Messier of Rhode Island; and a host of friends and associates. He was predeceased by his parents Isabella and Edward; his brother Allen; his son Mark and his cousins Hazel Morrison and Doug Smith.