Edward M. Kaplan ’61 died April 28, 2014, in Needham, Mass. He was born in Cambridge, Mass., on May 28, 1940, and prepared for college at Boston Latin School. A member of Delta Sigma fraternity, he went on to earn a master’s degree from Northeastern University in 1966, and complete a program for health systems management at Harvard University Business School. He began his career as a senior engineer at Sylvania Electronic Systems in 1961. He worked on the technical staff of GCA Corp. from 1965 to 1967, then as an analyst at the computing center at Harvard University for five years. During that time, he served as a consultant for a year at the University of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. In 1972, he joined Massachusetts General Hospital as an administrative assistant, and remained there until his retirement in 2013, the last several years as the financial advisor for the Molecular Biology Laboratory. He was also an adjunct professor of computer sciences at Northeastern University and then became a full professor and advisor of computer information systems at Bentley College. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Adele L. Gang Kaplan; daughters Andrea Green and Leslie Gallant; five grandchildren; mother Lillian Kertzman Kaplan, and brother Mark Kaplan.