Erik P. Mason ’76 died on July 31, 2010, in Leiden, The Netherlands.
(The following was provided by the in August 2010)
Erik Paul Mason died on July 31, 2010, at the age of 56 in Leiden, the Netherlands. Born in Quincy, Illinois, he was the devoted husband to his wife of twenty-three years Charlotte (Schaeffer) of Cornwall, Pennsylvania, and the very proud father of his fifteen-year-old son William. Erik graduated from Principia College in Clayton, Missouri, with a bachelor of arts in geology. He went on to get a master of science in geology degree from Oklahoma State University. His subsequent career was one of distinction and service to the field of geology which he loved. He began his career with Exploration Logging, moved to Phillips Petroleum, and then to the Shell Oil Company, where he spent the last twenty-two years. Erik became a leader within the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, serving as its vice president in 2003 and 2004. His many years of service to AAPG culminated in his receipt of their distinguished service award in 2007. He also received various awards from the New Orleans and Houston Geological Societies. His greatest contribution to the industry, however, may have been his unwavering commitment to the development of young geologists, both inside and outside Shell Oil Company. Erik was an exceptionally nice guy. His soft spoken, yet firm manner impressed and endeared him to everyone he knew. In addition to his wife and son, Erik, is survived by his mother, Patricia J. Goddard, and her husband John of Ponte Vedra, Florida; his brother Kirk and wife Eileen of Gurnee, Illinois; his brother Rex and wife Heath of Chagrin Falls, Ohio; and ten nieces and nephews.