J. Steward LaCasce ’56

J. Steward LaCasce ’56 died on November 4, 2023, in Tucson, Arizona.

(The following is a family-provided account in November 4, 2023:)

John Steward LaCasce, 88, died November 4, 2023, in Tucson, Arizona, of respiratory failure. He graduated from Fryeburg Academy (1952) and Bowdoin College (1956). He received a Ph.D. in English Literature from Columbia University in New York City (1966), and taught at Boston University before moving to Burlington, Vermont, in 1972 to found what became known as Burlington College, where he served as president until his retirement in 1994.
While president of Burlington College, LaCasce was a founding member and later a president of the Association of Vermont Independent Colleges, a member and later a president of the Vermont Higher Education Council, and a member of the Council on Higher Education Institutions of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, the region’s accrediting agency. He received honorary degrees from Burlington College and the University of Vermont.
LaCasce is survived by his husband of fifty-eight years, Robert LaCasce (formerly Saikevicz), three nieces, and two nephews. He was predeceased by his parents, Elroy O. and Marion S. LaCasce, his sister, Marion, and three brothers, Charles, Joseph, and Elroy, Jr.

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