Judith Bourassa Joy ’86

Judith Bourassa Joy ’86 died on November 12, 2013, in Stratham, New Hampshire, of multiple myeloma, a blood cancer.

Judith Bourassa Joy ’86

Judith Bourassa Joy ’86

She was born on July 17, 1964, in Augusta and graduated from Cony High School. A dean’s list student and James Bowdoin Scholar, she graduated from Bowdoin magna cum laude with honors in English. She was a co-winner of the Pray English Prize and a member of the Chamber Choir, and she also studied at the University of East Anglia in England. Early in her career, Judy was a human factors analyst at Liberty Mutual Insurance, where she returned two years ago as a business systems analyst. In between, she raised her family, received a master’s degree in elementary education from Lesley University, taught elementary school and technology classes, and published the young adult science fiction novel, A Doorway Through Space. She was a long-time Girl Scout leader. She had a lovely soprano voice, which she used in choruses and community musical theater productions through early adulthood and later as a member of and soloist with the Rockingham Choral Society. She chaired the Stratham Community Church’s most recent pastoral search committee and was serving on its board of deacons. She is survived by Scott Joy, her husband of twenty-six years; daughters Alison and Katie; twin sons David and Eric; brother Donald; and sisters Debby Herman, Kathy Petersen ’79, and Cindy Seaver.

1 Comments Judith Bourassa Joy ’86

  1. Todd Larson '84

    I sang in the Bowdoin College Chamber Choir with Judy, and, as her married name suggests, she brought joy to people everywhere she was. She will be sorely missed by all. Rest in peace, Judy.


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