Louis C. Schroer G’69 died on October 9, 2011, in Hendersonville, North Carolina.
He was born in Cape Girardeay, Mo., on February 13, 1930. He earned a bachelor of science from Valparaiso University in 1952, a master of science from Washington University in 1957, and a master’s degree in mathematics from Bowdoin, where he was a National Science Foundation fellow. He was a high school teacher for forty-three years and was a member of Grace Lutheran Church. He is survived by his wife of thirty years, Geraldine Schroer; sons William C. Schroer, Timothy Schroer, and Ty Mitchell; daughter Liesl Schroer; stepdaughters Deborah Stirling, Dawn Dionne, and Karla Hattan; stepson Matthew Schueler; twelve grandchildren; and a brother, Robert.