Ralph A. Hughes ’47, P’81 died on April 2, 2020 in Oakham, MA.
(The following appeared in the Worcester Telegram & Gazette on April 7, 2020)
Ralph Arthur Hughes (b. June 28, 1927) passed away peacefully at his home on April 2, 2020, in Oakham where he had lived since 1976. He leaves three children, Jenny Lee Yoxen, Peter Owen Hughes and Sarah Elizabeth Hughes and three grandchildren, Ruby Pap, Nica Pap, Serena Hughes, and two great-grandchildren, Jahi Hawkins and Khalilah Hawkins. After early graduation from Bowdoin College, Ralph served in the Navy where he learned electronics. He married his wife, Nancy Jane Hughes (d. May 13, 2018), in 1953 while pursuing graduate studies at Indiana University. He worked at Worcester Academy from 1956 to 1993, where he taught Latin and then English and became chairman of the Classics department. In the ensuing years he served as dean of faculty, chairman of the English department, and advisor to school publications. He was inducted into the Worcester Academy Hall of Fame after thirty-seven years at Worcester Academy. Ralph pursued his lifelong interest in poetry and music well into his retirement years. His poems were published in Sahara, Diner, and The Worcester Review. He became a frequent contributor at Worcester area poetry readings and workshops. He played cello in community string ensembles together with wife, Nancy, and he was an accomplished clarinetist who enjoyed playing Dixieland jazz.