True G. Miller ’60 died at his home March 7, 2013, in Westerly, R.I. He was born in New London, Conn., on February 15, 1938, and prepared for college at Cape Elizabeth High School and Governor Dummer Academy. He was a member of Sigma Nu Fraternity and went on to study advanced accounting and finance at the American Institute of Banking. He worked as an insurance broker and controller early in his career, and he operated The Village Hardware store in North Stonington for nearly forty years. He bought the business in 1975. He served to captain in the Army Corp of Engineers. He is survived by his wife, Shirley R. (Rook) Miller; sons Andrew W., Jonathan C., and True G. Miller III; daughter Page E. Miller; sister Charlotte Price; and stepdaughters Sheryl L. Caswell and Karen L. Underhill. He was predeceased by stepdaughter Laurie J. Lamb.