Francis R. Mariner ’74

Francis R. Mariner ’74 died on December 7, 2023, in Des Moines, Iowa.

(The following was provided by Ames Monument and Cremation Center in
December 7, 2023:)

Frank Mariner of Ames, died in Des Moines on December 7. He was a longtime professor in the French Language Department at Iowa State University. He was enjoying his recent retirement with trips to musical concerts throughout Iowa and the Twin Cities, practicing meditation, yoga, frequenting the Rinzai Zen Budhhist temple in Portland, and collecting stamps with his friends. He could frequently be found in one of Ames’ many coffee shops and cafes, enjoying a snack and a good cup of coffee.

No memorial service is planned. He asked that his many friends, scattered around the world, remember him on February 20, his birthday, with a toast, attending a concert or listening to your favorite music, or a stroll through an art museum with your friends.

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