Philip K. Stern ’52 died on September 13, 2013, at his home in Atwood Lake, Ohio.
He was born in Canton, Ohio, on July 28, 1929, and prepared for college at McKinley High School and Wilbraham Academy. He was a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity. He earned a master’s degree in international affairs from Columbia University in 1954. He served to private first class in the Army. In 1957, he joined the family business, Stern & Mann department store, founded in Canton, Ohio, in 1887. He was a member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, a fifty-year member of the Canton YMCA, and commodore of the Atwood Yacht Club. He is survived by daughters Margaret Stern Gotschall ’80 and Mary Meneses; son Tim Stern; and nine grandchildren. He was predeceased in 2001 by his wife, Elizabeth Ann Aungst Stern, whom he married on July 25, 1953.