Dan S. Edgerton ’50 died November 2, 2012, in Brunswick. He was born in Rutland, Vt., on March 15, 1928, and prepared for college at Deering High School and Phillips Exeter Academy. He was a member of Chi Psi fraternity, and he went on to earn a master’s degree in pulp and paper from the University of Maine Orono in 1954. He served to corporal in the Army of Occupation after World War II in Germany. He held positions at Rogers Fibre Co. in Bar Mills, Colonial Board Co., Portland Lithograph Co., and Gorham International Inc. He was an avid fly fisherman from a young age, and as a young man he had a float plane that he flew to his favorite lakes in northern Maine. In recent years he made an annual trip to Labrador to fish at Minipi, where he caught a world record trout. He is survived by sons William C. Edgerton and Jonathan C. Edgerton, daughter Louisa P. Edgerton, and two granddaughters.